We are glad to announce the fourth ETAPAS project workshop, which will take place online on the 12th of October 2022 from 10:30 to 12:30 CET. The workshop has been organised with the collaboration of CERTH, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, and the Municipality of Katerini. You are welcome to register for free at our Event Brite page at this link: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/424195759937
This workshop, titled “Tools for the ethical and trustworthy adoption of Artificial Intelligence in the service of public administrations“, will bring together European Public Authorities, members of academia and experts coming from both universities and the public sector to exchange their views on the practices that should follow the adoption of AI by public organisations.
Moreover, during the event we will show the first outputs generated by the ETAPAS Project to Greek Public Administration to display concrete results on how AI can be ethically embedded in their activities.
The main topics of discussion will include:
- the ETAPAS Project and key tools developed for the good governance of AI;
- the chatbot Kari and the challenges using AI-based solutions presents;
- the development of a misinformation detection platform by CERTH;
- popAI and TOKEN projects;
- strategies for a governance framework for artificial intelligence in public administration.
Do not miss this opportunity, stay tuned on further updates on our website and on our LinkedIn and Twitter profiles!
Download the Agenda here